courtesy: Libyan Express
The usage of electric vehicles (EVs) in India is on its way towards growth . The major two driving forces behind this transition are :
- High fuel prices
- Increased pollution
But, it is sad that Government and NITI Ayog have dropped the idea of “Total EV-fication” of India by 2030.
Still, India needs it for the citizens’ best interest. So, we will be adopting it in due time, may be by the year 2035 – 45.
Present hurdles for EVs in India
I found that there are some vital bottlenecks in adopting EVs within the mainstream mobility across India. They are like :
- Low range of EVs after full charge
- Absence of infrastructure like widely distributed charging points and optimum power generation to support the surge in power requirements.
- Absence of mass-production facilities of Li-ion batteries in India
- Absence of indigenous technologies, software and hardware manufacturers for EVs.
- Absence of Government policies and standardization for EVs.
- High cost of EVs
I will discuss about these bottlenecks in a detailed manner in this and next five series of this article.
Low range of EVs after full charge
This is really a major drawback of EVs in India. On a full charge , the EVs in India can fo upto a maximum range of 180 Kms which is far less than an IC vehicle which has an average range of 450 -550 Kms.
The cost of these EVs are also higher than its IC counterparts with even basic technology.
For resolving this issue , government need to pitch in with standard policies for EV component manufacturers like batteries, EV usage and EV owners.
For increasing the range, there must be better lithium-ion batteries installed in it. For which we need battery manufacturers like Exide and Amara Raja to come forward and develop facilities.
To help these battery manufacturers to develop li-ion batteries economically, government must make stricter norms for EV purchases. It will increase sales and thereby decrease cost. This will also decrease pollution.
Wrap Up
We will need our government to develop strict policies to help in increase of EV sales thereby will increase in EV facilities like reduction in component costs. What do you think? Do let us know in the comments below.